This Love

At this precise moment, seven days ago, I was in a hotel room with my sister and cousin Lisa in Toronto. Lisa and I were most likely planking all the over the place, being completely crazy while my sister chats quietly with her friends on Facebook.

I wish I was still in Toronto! It was such a blast. I hadn't seen my cousins Linda and Lisa for a while, so it was good to catch up. While my sister hid in embarrassment every time we mentioned it, Linda, Lisa & I literally planked and owled everywhere we went!

Most hilarious incident:  In the middle of a shopping session at Abercrombie & Fitch ( which by the way had amazing sales!), Lisa, Linda and I all planked on a table that was in the middle of the store. Obviously, my sister Monica died of embarrassment and ran away as soon as the thought of planking in the store came to our minds. As the three of us took turn planking and taking pictures, a cute male employee approaches us : "Sorry, you're not allowed to take pictures in the store...." We burst out laughing and ran away as fast as we could with Monica waiting for at the entrance. Oh boy, was she unhappy. Needless to say, it was hilarious and it made out day so much funnier.

We also planked and owled all over the hotel: the lobby, laundry room, fitness room etc. It might seem crazy, but hey, we had a lot of fun and laughed uncontrollably. My vacation definitely wouldn't have been this amazing without all the planking and laughter!

I now leave you with some picture of the Maroon 5 concert. Well actually, more of Adam Levine...[for some odd reason, I wasn't able to rotate some of the pictures :( ]

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